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questions and answers

What are the payment options?

To secure the date of your event, 50% of the total is required.

The other 50% you have until the day of the event to pay it.

There is also a security deposit required to ensure all objects are returned in tact.

All payments can be made via credit card (Visa, MasterCard, AMEX), debit, paypal or cash.

Who chooses the theme?

The hostess chooses the theme.

We currently have 4 themes for any last minute Baby Showers.

If you have an idea for a theme please share this with us and we will do our outmost to make it happen.

Who takes care of the cake and the food?

We leave that option up to the hostess to decide.

Some Baby Showers, its every guest that brings a dish and the hostess takes care of the cake.

Other hostess’s prefer to take care of everything themselves.

It’s really up to whatever the hostess would like, rest assured that if you need our help or would like us to take care of it we are here for you.

How many weeks before the desired date of the event should we contact Sayble's Baby Showers?

If you like one of the themes already available, 3-4 weeks will be sufficient.

If you would like a specific theme that we don’t currently have please allow 8 weeks from the time of deposit to ensure the theme is everything you dreamed for.

Which ever option you choose, the more time we have to prepare the more unique and catered to you it will be! 

What cities do you currently service?

We are based in Montreal, Qc, and can service both Quebec and Ontario.

*Prices vary depending on location

It’s Going to be Perfect!

Let's Plan Your baby shower!